Help us prevent the spread of illness in our facility.

For all our family members, visitors, and others who come to d’Youville,

Please help us keep those we care for in our facility safe by staying home if you or anyone in your family has had the following symptoms:

  • Fever, cough, shortness of breath, or other respiratory symptoms
  • If you have traveled outside of the country or have been in close contact with someone known to have traveled outside the country- please tell us immediately

If you have a loved one here as a patient/resident, please feel free to call the unit they reside on for any updates.

At d’Youville Pavilion, we are taking a very proactive approach to prevent the spread of illness. We want to keep our patients/residents, family members, and staff safe. We are asking for your support to ensure everyone’s safety. In addition, we are doing some of the following at d’Youville:

  • Unit based education regarding Coronavirus
  • A Post-Acute Task Force that meets weekly to discuss Coronavirus
  • Limiting volunteer services to limit volunteer traffic in our building

As a facility we are taking precautions to protect our staff, visitors and most of all, our patients and residents.  We’re asking for your support to ensure our patients safety. Thank you.


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