We want to provide a family update so that everyone is aware of what we are doing to protect our patients, residents, and staff:
* We participate in twice weekly Maine CDC calls for long-term care facilities, which provide the most current CDC recommendations.
*Daily there is a Clinical Rounding with all department leaders and information is communicated for the most up-to-date information regarding COVID19 to pass on to their teams.
*We are screening ALL staff as they come in per CDC guidelines, including a temperature.
*We are doing DAILY vitals on all patients and residents and monitoring for any respiratory status changes as well as changes in condition.
*Our ZOOM is now LIVE so families and patients/residents can see each other
*Telemedicine went LIVE this week for psych services.
*Activities continues to be innovative during this challenging times we are facing.
Thank you all for your understanding. Please call the units your family resides on if you have any questions, suggestions, concerns. We are thinking of you all and miss you! Please stay healthy out there!