At this time, there are no known cases of COVID-19 in residents and no additional cases of COVID-19 in staff. We had the one previously reported case from our last surveillance testing. We will be starting another round of surveillance testing on Tuesday, December 8th.
The COVID-19 case rate and positivity rate in Androscoggin county continues to climb. The case rate in Androscoggin county is now 68.34 cases per 10,000 people. The positivity rate is now 4%. The positivity rate is the percentage of all tests performed that have positive results. The positivity rate is a critical measure because it gives us an indication how widespread infection is in the area and whether levels of testing are keeping up with levels of disease transmission.
We continue to be vigilant in our measures to ensure staff and resident safety. The times are certainly scary as we scrutinize each and every action that is taken and continue to assess and revise our infection control measures. During these times we cannot be too cautious or strict with the measures we have in place.
How can you help minimize the risk of transmission? Wear your mask, wash your hands and stay socially distanced from those that are not living within your household. What community members do at home, can impact COVID-19’s ability to enter a long-term care facility. Our staff take precaution in their actions, following CDC guidelines for COVID-19 prevention. However, it only takes one interaction to spread COVID-19 to our most vulnerable population. We are asking for your help in reducing the community transmission around us!
We sympathize with our colleagues in surrounding long term care facilities that have faced this battle within their walls. They have worked tirelessly and remain committed to serving the elderly population in our area. This battle against COVID-19 has been long for everyone. We understand what is being asked of us as a community is difficult at times, but we are all in this together! Throughout this journey there have been many sacrifices from families, residents and staff alike as we lookout for one another. We are hopeful that we will soon have COVID-19 vaccines available to distribute to residents and staff. The discussions and planning for vaccination have begun and there will be more to post on this soon!
Stay safe and stay healthy!