In our round of testing on 2 East yesterday, we discovered 2 additional cases of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patients. We also had another symptomatic patient in this area, test positive for COVID-19 today. We will be completing another round of testing on Thursday, December 15th. Additionally, today we had a resident on 4 East, that developed symptoms, and subsequently tested positive for COVID-19. Testing on 4 East was conducted today, and all other residents are negative. Additional testing on 4 East will be done on Thursday, December 15th. All patients/residents and their representatives (when applicable) have been notified. We continue to encourage all visitors to exercise caution while visiting and postpone their visitation to these areas if able. We ask that any visitors that choose to visit continue practice thorough hand hygiene and continue to wear their mask, over their mouth and nose, for the entirety of there visit in the facility. We will continue to provide updates here as we know more.
COVID-19 Family Update 12-13-2022
Home » COVID-19 Family Update 12-13-2022