At this time, we have 8 positive residents that were previously vaccinated from 4 East that have been transferred to our dedicated COVID-19 Unit. We have been in consultation with the CDC on management of our COVID-19 outbreak. On Saturday, we will be testing all residents that reside on 4 East again for COVID-19. All staff that currently work on 4 East or 1 East, our dedicated COVID-19 unit are being tested everyday before the start of their shift in an effort to contain the outbreak. We have enhanced sanitization and disinfection of all areas of the facility. Additionally, we have further separated staff by adding separate routes for arriving/departing the facility. Visitation remains closed in these two areas. We will continue to provide updates here as guidance changes.
COVID-19 Family Update 11-4-2021
Home » COVID-19 Family Update 11-4-2021