At this time there are no known cases of COVID-19 in residents or staff at d’Youville Pavilion. Today we began another round of surveillance testing for all of our staff. This afternoon we sent 212 swabs to our laboratory with expected results in 48 hours. We will continue to swab the remainder of our staff tomorrow.
All staff continue to be vigilant in handwashing, wearing PPE and being socially distant from others when not providing resident care. Resident appointments are limited to those that are essential to maintain health and safety. This well help reduce any exposure to our residents from the outside community. Group activities remain on hold and our activities department is working with residents 1:1.
Our staff continue to monitor patients and residents twice daily for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Those patients that develop any of the signs of COVID-19 are being swabbed and isolated until their COVID-19 status is known.
Any staff that exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with individuals under investigation for COVID- 19 are excluded from work and referred to our employee health department.
Should there be any positive cases in residents or staff at d’Youville Pavilion we will post another update with the plan for testing and how this impacts the care provided to your loved one.