Yesterday we completed another round of staff testing for 1 East and 4 East as well as resident testing on 4 East. We sent a total of 101 tests to the lab for processing last evening. The results of those tests have returned today, and they are all negative. We have two staff that have not worked in these areas that have recently tested positive due to outside exposures. One staff member is asymptomatic and has had no patient contact. The other staff member developed symptoms after their shift on Wednesday. During that shift the individual had limited contact with select residents, who were included in our testing yesterday. We will be completing another round of testing on Monday, November 22nd. This week we have graduated 12 of our 17 recovered residents from our COVID-19 isolation unit back to their homes on 4 East. Our team has also been busy over the last two weeks administering, Pfizer, J and J and Moderna Booster shots to any of our residents that were interested in receiving one. We continue to be in consultation with the CDC and follow their guidance regarding our outbreak status.
COVID-19 Family Update 11-19-2021
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