COVID-19 Family Update 04/29/2021

Today we received the remaining 130 results from our staff testing and all results were negative. We also completed another round of resident testing and sent off 167 swabs to the lab for processing. We anticipate having those results sometime tomorrow. As we are still considered to be in an outbreak status, we will be conducting another round of resident testing on Monday, May 3rd and another round of staff testing on May 4th and 5th. We are cautious but hopeful that we will not detect any additional cases as all residents thus far have remained negative.

As many of you may have seen in the news the positivity rate in Androscoggin county remains high and is considered a hot spot within the state. We remain vigilant to keep our residents and staff protected by taking many measures aimed at reducing the risk of transmission into and throughout the facility. These include but are not limited to our staff and resident screening process for symptoms, hand hygiene, PPE use, social distancing, increased sanitation throughout the facility, and vaccinations for staff and residents.

We will continue to provide outbreak status updates here. You can expect to hear more from us tomorrow.

Stay safe and stay healthy!

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